At a training I attended for Critical Incident Stress Management the presenter suggested to do these three things for most every situation and you will not go wrong:
1. Do not panic.
2. Assess the situation.
3. Do the obvious.
Since that time I always try to incorporate this into my daily life; both professionally and personally. I think I have integrated the process into my being so that it just flows without even thinking about it. It just happens.
What simple, yet effective strategies work for you in maintaining composure while helping others during highly stressful incidents?
This next bundle of books in my Books to Inspire link are about Acceptance.
My personal pick is Acceptance: Embracing Life's Experience by Wallace J. Kahn. Acceptance is something I contiually try to better hone. I think, for me at least, it is a life's work. I've referenced Dr. Kahn in some of my blog posts. Simply stated, if there was a Mount Rushmore for those who have left an imprint on me, he would be there. Check out this book.
Willow is my KidLit pick. It is written by Denise Brennan-Nelson and Rosemarie Brennan. It's got a geat site for enrichment activities. Click here to check it out.
My Professional selection for this bundle is Lost at School: Why Our Kids with Behavioral Challenges Are Falling Through the Cracks and How We Can Help Them by Ross W. Greene. Quite a few folks from my PLN have read this and have given it rave reviews. I have only just started reading, but it is certainly leading me to a significant paradigm shift.
Be sure to visit the Books To Inspire link over to the left to discover more about these selections.
We visited my Dad yesterday. After saying hellos and settling in, he asked me which way we came. (We could have taken the Turnpike, the expressway, or the back roads). Before I could respond, my daughter answered, "Through the front door, Grandpa".
Of course. The front door. What other way is there to come? It is so obvious.
Here's my point. Life is simple. Sometimes we overthink a situation and complicate things more than need be.
With regards to education, what is your Front Door story?